Renewable Energies Development:
This training course provides not only an introduction into the issues associated with the development of Renewable Energies but also provides an in depth understanding of the issues to be considered in the development of these energy systems.
The theme throughout this training course is Renewable Energies and Innovative Technologies.
Each day consists of lectures in the morning and a hands on workshop in the afternoon. The workshop allows the participants to appreciate the design process associated with renewable energy developments. Various software will be available during the workshop to predict the energy requirements, as well as evaluating the associated systems requirements for each alternative technology.
The energy development approach will consider an integrated solution through modelling the energy requirement and the energy storage requirement.
The participants will have a total appreciation of the methodology required to develop renewable energies for both commercial and domestic applications of renewable energies in order to gain an understanding of all of the renewable energies issues and technology requirements.
Day 1 of the course will provide the big picture from a wide perspective by looking at the continuously changing renewables industry outlook through the world supply, future prospects and demand.
A refresher in renewable energy types, characteristics and features.
A summary of the main issues associated with each renewable energy will be presented.
A summary of the main issues will identify the opportunities for new technologies that are required for the future.
Day 1 starts the hands on workshop in which the participants are split into groups with the objective of designing the best systems architecture for the selected renewable energy to cater for all anticipated operational scenarios.
The energy requirements are evaluated and all energy types not suitable are eliminated.
The need for innovative technologies for the future will begin to be seen.
Day 2 concentrates on detailed renewable energies and their considerations.
Provides a detailed explanation of the systems considerations for each of the renewable energies to be evaluated.
Each renewable energy pro’s and con’s are discussed in order to establish it’s viability for both commercial and domestic use.
The various systems for the storage of energies are presented and further developed during the workshop.
The workshop continues with the evaluation of energy options in order to establish an energy strategy for the proposed system.
Day 3 Presents the methods of selecting the available enabling and emerging RE technologies for application to both commercial and domestic systems.
A criteria is developed to select the RE technology from those available. The calculations are then presented tp predict and match the power requirements. The sizing calculations of each component of the technology system is presented.
The final part of the workshop analysis is undertaken that includes the selection and sizing of the best RE technologies for the application being considered for development.
Analysis and benefits of each the RE technologies considered is undertaken along with the associated risks in its deployment for the life of it’s usage.
Day 4 presents the range of software that is available and used during the workshop followed by a detailed presentation of the “RE OPTIONS “ predictive software.
This is followed by detailed presentations by each of the groups RE development solution.
A critical and constructive evaluation through question and answer session is presented with each group defending its logistics and development philosophy.
Any free time will be used in discussions of actual problems experience by the participants of the workshop.
Day 5 presents a summary of one proposed solution to the selected RE Options infrastructure and management strategy.
A concluding summary of the RE issues and technologies are presented.
An open discussion forum is conducted and any free time will be used in discussions of actual problems experience by the participants of the workshop.
The participants are presented with certificates of completing the “Renewable Energy Development” training course.
After lunch individual meetings can be arranged with attendees and management for consultancy and any support requirements.