Dr. KS Johal (B.Sc., PhD, FEI)
Is the Managing Director of Fluids in Motion Limited, a consultancy company providing Flow Assurance and Renewable Energies expertise to Oil and Gas Operating and Contracting companies. He has over 35 years’ experience in providing specialist training and advisory services for the exploitation and development of Oil & Gas fields. Technical expertise in multi-phase flow dynamics related to the design and operational analysis of subsea facilities systems in the North Sea, Gulf of Mexico and the Middle/Far East. Specialist expertise in areas of multi-phase transients hydrates and wax / asphaltenes issues associated with subsea deepwater and onshore field developments. An exceptional academic background supported by practical experience of diverse projects worldwide, along with numerous publications at key conferences. Particular interests in developing novel and innovative technologies for subsea applications to solve difficult flow assurance problem areas and improve field development economics. Now involved with the development of clean renewable power generation from offshore sources.